Our mission is to
end slavery.

But, we can't do it without you.

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October 19, 2024 Walk for Freedom

October 19, 2024 Walk for Freedom

10 Year Walk for Freedom

10 Year Walk for Freedom

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Walk For Freedom
is a day dedicated to raising awareness that human trafficking still exists but together, we can change that.

Join people walking in hundreds of cities around the world as together we take steps to raise awareness in our communities and end human trafficking.


Walk For Freedom 2024


Take local action.
Be part of a global solution.
Find a walk in a city near you.


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Human Trafficking


Human Trafficking is the abuse of children,
women, and men for their bodies and labour.
It’s modern-day slavery.




Labour Trafficking Icon

Labour TraffickinG

Forcing a person to work in captivity for little or no pay.




Sex Trafficking Icon

Sex TraffickinG

Forcing, deceiving, or coercing a person to perform a commercial sex act. 




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Slavery By The Numbers


49.6 million people icon


There are an estimated 49.6 million people enslaved right now.1


R258 trillion rand industry


Human trafficking generates an estimated US $236 billion dollars per year.2


2.8 / 1,000 people in Africa


An estimated 41,000 people in Australia are living in modern slavery. 3


64% trafficked victims are children.


Human traffickers exploit domestic and foreign victims in every state and territory in Australia. 4


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Cellphone Image - Hotline




Suspect trafficking might be taking place? Call 131 AFP (131 237)

Make A Report   Learn The Signs   Call 131 237



Cellphone Image - Hotline

Suspect trafficking might be taking place?
Call 131 AFP(131 237)

Make A Report

Learn The Signs

Call 131 237



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Signs of Trafficking

Look for clues that identify a possible
victim of modern-day slavery.
Controlled by another person

They are accompanied by a controlling person, and do not speak on his or her own behalf, but instead defer to another person.

Controlled Movement

They are transported to or from work, or live and work at the same place. They show signs that their movements are being controlled.

Lack of Earnings

They are unable to keep his or her earnings: it is “withheld for safekeeping.” In many cases, the person owes a debt they are working to pay off.   

Foreign, Unfamiliar with the Language

They have recently arrived in the country and do not speak the language of the country—or they only know sex-related or labour-related words.


They are frightened to talk to outsiders and authorities since they are closely monitored and controlled by their trafficker(s). They may be fearful, anxious, depressed, overly submissive, and may avoid eye contact.

Bad health & Malnutrition

They may have signs of abuse or signs of being denied food, water, sleep, and/or medical care.

Lack of Identification

They are not in possession of their passports, identification, or legal documents.

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Signs of Physical ABuse

They may have bruises, scars, and other signs of physical abuse and torture. Victims of human trafficking are often beaten in areas that will not damage their appearance, such as their lower back.

Substance Abuse

They may show signs of drug use or drug addiction. They can be forced or coerced into drug use by his or her traffickers, or turn to substance abuse to help cope with his or her enslavement.

Lack of Trust

They may be distrustful and suspicious. A victim of human trafficking may act as if they distrust any person who offers them assistance or attempts to converse with them.

Lack of Personal Belongings

They may have few or no personal possessions.

Signs of Dependence

They may demonstrate affection, attachment, or dependence toward their abuser.

Deceived by a False Job Offer

Their actual job is different from the advertised job they had accepted.

Feelings of Being Trapped

They feel that they are unable to leave their current situation.

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Our Solution


All over the world, the cycle of
trafficking is breaking. And one life at
a time, this is how we end slavery. 




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"No one person can do everything but every one of us can do something."

– Christine Caine, A21 Advocate & Co-Founder

"No one person can do

everything but every one
of us can do something."

– Christine Caine, A21 Advocate & Co-Founder



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Our Work in Australia


Because human trafficking looks
different everywhere we work, so do we.
Take a closer look at our proven solutions:


Prensentations Icon


Communicating to diverse audiences about the problem of human trafficking and how everyone can be a part of the solution.


Prevention Programs

Prevention Programs

Child-centred, play-based programs designed to empower children and champion their young voices to protect themselves and others from trafficking scenarios.


Walk For Freedom Icon

Walk For Freedom

An annual day of global awareness and local action in the fight against human trafficking.


Our programs are designed to work together, but can also stand alone - filling critical gaps in the countries and communities we work in.

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These are every day actions
that can end slavery:










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Mobilise Your

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Fund a Global Solution

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Fund a Global

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Equip yourself with the facts about human trafficking and tell others.


Learn Icon


Learn about human trafficking and how you can be part of the solution through our Global Broadcast.

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Equip Icon


Explore A21’s global awareness campaign, Can You See Me? to equip yourself to identify warning signs and learn how to make a report if you suspect trafficking might be taking place.

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Study Icon


Learn about human trafficking any time, anywhere with our fully online course– Human Trafficking: A Global Crisis.

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The fight against slavery begins with you in your local community.
Discover ways you can rally the community around you to join the mission of freedom.


Volunteer Icon


 Join us in one of A21's offices around the world, to learn more about how to fight human trafficking on a global scale.  

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Speaker Icon


Request an A21 representative to share at your school, business, church or other network.

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Empower Icon


Inform your community with information about the realities of human trafficking through A21's educational programs and awareness resources.  

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University Program Icon


As a university student you can play a key role in the fight against human trafficking through mobilising your network.

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University Program

A21 Australia’s University Program has been designed to directly combat the injustice of human trafficking by equipping and empowering students across Australia to use their voice, raise awareness and activate their networks in the fight for freedom. Whether through your University Club, as a group or independently, we believe that YOU have the power to abolish slavery.

Fill in this short form to download our free University Program Kit and get connected with our team!




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Thank you!

You will now be redirected to the program download page.

Give and join us on the frontlines in the fight against slavery.


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Support A21's work around the globe to reduce vulnerability, assist victims, and restore survivors.

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Invite your friends and family to support freedom by starting a fundraising campaign to advance the fight against slavery.

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Get your gear to support A21, and start conversations with what you wear.

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Stay in touch.






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Get in touch.



+ 61 2 9680 2121


P.O. Box 7820 Norwest, NSW 2153 Australia


A21 Offices Map: Australia highlighted

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1 Walk Free, International Labour Organization (ILO), and International Organization for Migration (IOM). (2022). Global Estimates of Modern Slavery: Forced Labour and Forced Marriage. pp. 2. Retrieved from cdn.walkfree.org ▸ 

2 International Labor Office (ILO). (2014). Profits and Poverty: The Economics of Forced Labour. pp. 13. Retrieved from ilo.org ▸ 

3 Walk Free (2023) Modern slavery in Australia. Retrieved from walkfree.org ▸ 

4 Department of State (2022). Trafficking in Persons Report 2022. Retrieved from state.gov ▸ 

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