Every child deserves freedom.

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City of Dreams

City of Dreams tells the gripping story of Jesús, a young boy from Mexico who is trafficked into the US with the false promise that his dream of playing professional soccer could become a reality. Once across the border, his dream turns into a nightmare as he’s forced to work in a Los Angeles sweatshop.

COD Clips

City of Dreams tells the gripping story of Jesús, a young boy from Mexico who is trafficked into the US with the false promise that his dream of playing professional soccer could become a reality. Once across the border, his dream turns into a nightmare as he’s forced to work in a Los Angeles sweatshop.

COD Clips



This powerful film exposes the devastating reality of human trafficking in the US and beyond — a crisis that A21 has been on a mission to end for more than 16 years.

By raising awareness for stories like Jesús's, we can mobilize a global community to take a stand against human trafficking.

Partner with us today and make freedom a reality for children everywhere.

This powerful film exposes the devastating reality of human trafficking in the US and beyond — a crisis that A21 has been on a mission to end for more than 16 years.

By raising awareness for stories like Jesús's, we can mobilize a global community to take a stand against human trafficking.

Partner with us today and make freedom a reality for children everywhere.

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Provide children with essntial prevention materials

$50 could provide vulnerable children with essential prevention materials, helping safeguard them and others—stopping trafficking before it starts.

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Fund a 4-hour shift for our human trafficking hotlines

$75 could fund a 4-hour shift for our 24/7 human trafficking hotlines, offering a crucial lifeline for victims in need—making freedom possible.

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Provide counseling and psychological support to a survivor

$150 could provide trauma-informed counseling and psychological support to a survivor, aiding in their restoration journey — making freedom last.



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Pledge today and commit to taking action until freedom is a reality for all. We’ll provide everything you need and guide you on the journey to make a difference.

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Learn Icon


Education is key to preventing trafficking before it starts. That’s why we’ve created resources for every age and stage of life to empower you and your community.

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Report Icon


If you are a victim of trafficking or have witnessed what appears to be human trafficking, call your local hotline. If you suspect it, report it. Every report matters.

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Pledge To Keep Taking Action



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Thank you for making a pledge to keep taking action. We'll be in touch soon and are excited to partner with you in the fight for freedom.



Have questions about City Of Dreams and A21’s involvement?
Check out our frequently asked questions below.


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Q: What is the City of Dreams about?
A: City of Dreams tells the gripping story of Jesús, a young boy from Mexico who is trafficked into the US with the false promise that his dream of playing professional soccer could become a reality. Once across the border, his dream turns into a nightmare as he’s forced to work in a Los Angeles sweatshop, producing fast fashion. This powerful film exposes the devastating reality of human trafficking in the USA and beyond.

Q: What is the purpose of this film?
A: City of Dreams aims to raise awareness about the horrific reality of modern-day slavery and spur viewers to take action to end it.

Q: When will the film be available to watch in theaters?
A: The film will be available in theaters nationwide starting August 30. You can buy tickets here.

Q: Is City Of Dreams based on real-life events?
A: Yes, the film is inspired by true stories of child trafficking and exploitation.

Q: Where is Jesús today?
A: While this film is based on true stories and events, Jesús’s character was created based on multiple stories from children who have been trafficked in a similar manner. This is done with the utmost care to portray the authentic experiences of victims of human trafficking while not exposing their specific identities. With this in mind, we are unable to give details about each specific survivor's current circumstances.

Q: What has been A21’s involvement in this film?
A: While A21 was not involved in creating or producing the film, they have partnered with City of Dreams to provide crucial information about human trafficking and inspire meaningful action among viewers.

Q: If I am a victim of trafficking myself or suspect I have seen an instance of human trafficking, what can I do?
A: Make a report to your local human trafficking hotline. Hotlines typically run 24/7 and are an incredible resource. The reality is that you might never be 100% certain if what you are seeing is a situation of human trafficking or not. The very nature of human trafficking is that it is often hidden in plain sight–meaning it’s happening before us, but is extremely hard to see, understand, or identify.

Find and save your local human trafficking hotline number or make a report today at A21.org/Report.

Q: What resources are available to me and the general public?
A: A21 has developed safety guides, storybooks, and social media kits for all ages to help prevent human trafficking and safeguard others from exploitation. When you know what human trafficking looks like, how victims are recruited, and the warning signs, you can identify suspicious situations and report them. Check out these resources to start fighting human trafficking in your community today.

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