Gothenburg, Sweden

Join us as we Walk For Freedom in Gothenburg, Sweden

We believe that every step we take locally leaves footprints globally. Every dollar fundraised, every poster seen, every person made aware of the issue of human trafficking, add up to one Global impact - a world where everyone is free.

If you have any questions about this walk please contact us at

Should you have any general questions about A21 or the global Walk For Freedom email

Additional Information
Du har möjlighet att bli en del av det som enar oss alla. Övertygelsen om att alla människor har rätt till frihet. Genom att vara med och vandra för frihet i årets Walk For Freedom tar du ställning för mänskligheten och för allas rätt till att leva fria från alla former av slaveri. Vi samlas på Götaplatsen där manifestationen startar klockan 11:30. Välkommen _______________ You have the opportunity to become a part of what unites us all. The conviction that all people have the right to freedom. By participating and walking for freedom in this year's Walk For Freedom, you take a stand for humanity and for everyone's right to live free from all forms of slavery. We gather at Götaplatsen, where the manifestation starts at 11:30 PM. Welcome
Join us as we Walk For Freedom in Gothenburg, Sweden

We believe that every step we take locally leaves footprints globally. Every dollar fundraised, every poster seen, every person made aware of the issue of human trafficking, add up to one Global impact - a world where everyone is free.

If you have any questions about this walk please contact us at

Should you have any general questions about A21 or the global Walk For Freedom email

Additional Information
Du har möjlighet att bli en del av det som enar oss alla. Övertygelsen om att alla människor har rätt till frihet. Genom att vara med och vandra för frihet i årets Walk For Freedom tar du ställning för mänskligheten och för allas rätt till att leva fria från alla former av slaveri. Vi samlas på Götaplatsen där manifestationen startar klockan 11:30. Välkommen _______________ You have the opportunity to become a part of what unites us all. The conviction that all people have the right to freedom. By participating and walking for freedom in this year's Walk For Freedom, you take a stand for humanity and for everyone's right to live free from all forms of slavery. We gather at Götaplatsen, where the manifestation starts at 11:30 PM. Welcome